Sunday, May 28, 2006

Slut test

Okay, I did one of those slut tests, just because it's Sunday and I'm bored, and apparently I'm 32% slut, which I think is pretty funny. I mean, I don't even leave the house most days.

However, my doubts as to the validity of the test are underscored by the interesting statistics told me by the site(yes, even after all the data I put in, both for me and my made-up slut friends): (was going to copy/paste but it brokethe html, so I'll just summarise.) Apparently 0% of the 1.2 million test-takers have ever French-kissed, had anal sex, had sex with someone they didn't like, or just plain old had sex.

Right. Every one of those million-and-a-bit testees was a virgin? Possibly they're all thirteen, in which case good job, but there has to be one person who has had some kind of sex. No? The test is just for losers? Methinks perhaps that data has absolutely fuck-all to do with...well, anything.

Just for shits and giggles, plus see above re: Sundayness, I'm going to test a couple of my characters. Chance is 70% slut, kind of disappointing for someone in her profession (although I'm sure Dark's love is what denied her the last 30%). Aura, 79% slut (again, slightly disappointing, seeing as she ticked all boxes except those involving disturbing bodily functions, and entered the highest number possible in the 'number of partners' section). Con, rather sweetly, is 40% slut. That's because he's a magic-geek. Bless.


  1. Dude, only 32%? That's pretty good. I recall doing that test and being surprised by some of the random statistics they had up there. It seems everyone is sluttier than me ;-(

  2. I ended up at 63% Slutty! Not surprising...I had an interesting past sex life....

  3. I got 76% - and I only cheated a little bit!


    B xxxx
