Monday, August 10, 2009

Eep eep eep!

It's been over a week since I blogged! Whoops, that's very bad of me. In my defence, this rickety old machine on which I depend utterly has been buggering me about something chronic this week. First it's broken completely, then it's running better than ever. Bloke from Comet came to fix it, then a few days later it was up to its old tricks. Am running Malware detector again as that seems to be all that fixes it.

I was blogging about the RWA conference, wasn't I? Ho hum, only three weeks late. Well, I'll get back to that soon, but before I do, here's my newest cover. City of Lust is out this week from Changeling Press!


  1. Ooh, can't wait to read it! And hopefully, the PC allows you to get the trailer done. I'm outlining one of Gena's books to see where/how mine flows and where it needs to be fixed. Figure if that's how the best sellers did it to get better (Evanovich anyone?) then I'd better get down to it too to strengthen mine.

    BTW - read her first book and was really entranced! So glad you turned me on to her writing too!

  2. A friend of mine did a really brilliant workshop last year on pacing...where are my notes from it? She showed us her plot chart, which I adapted for Kett's book (God, have I really been working on it that long?)


    And yes! Isn't she brilliant!

  3. See! I knew you'd posted something about that ages ago. *pounces you* Thank you! This pacing thing is starting to drive me a little insane today. I don't usually plot or outline...but to find where the gaps are, it's like you have to go BACK to do it.

    You have a lot of brilliant friends doing workshops ;) Hehe, yes, I'm goofy today, but couldn't resist.

  4. I'm exactly the same with having to go back. Can't do this stuff in advance: if I plot too much my story goes totally flat, or quite often doesn't get written at all.

    I do have a lot of brilliant friends giving workshops! ;-)

  5. Another fab cover! Where do you find these men?

  6. I keep a herd of them in my garden.

  7. So when can I come and visit you?
