Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Random bollocks

Sleep pods in airports. Isn't that a brilliant idea? BAA can pay me royalties later. No; think about it. You've just got off a seven hour flight from New York, during which it was physically impossible to sleep, you're making a connection to Edinburgh in four hours' time, you're completely knackered and would prefer not to arrive at your destination looking like a zombie, so you go and hire a little capsule sleep pod thing, like they have in those hotels in Tokyo, and catch a few hours of sleep. Wake up, take a shower, get on your plane and arrive looking like a human being.

I know. I'm a genius.

This is the result of random thought-hopping after I asked my brother when he was flying back from LA, and he said, "Er, Tuesday." Is that when you take off, or when you land? "Er. Land." Because I know they're usually night flights going transtlantic west-east, and it is eleven hours in the air. Are you taking off Monday evening? "Probably."

You see? When I fly somewhere I always write down, in big easy letters, the flight number and times, and put it somewhere prominent in the kitchen. Plus I put it on the calendar. And then I keep a copy with me in case I forget when I get to the check-in desk. Last year Rich went to Doha and didn't even know which airline he was on. Which was interesting, since when you fly into Qatar you need to be on Qatar Airways or you need a visa.

Anyway. Today I shall be mostly working on edits for A is for Apple, book three of the Sophie Green books. This is being done ahead of time, since it's going to BEA in May. So, if you're there, go and find the Samhain stand and say hola.

Ooh, I just opened my author page at Samhain to do that link and Ugley Business is listed there. Ska-wee! That's book two--and yes, Ugley is meant to be spelled like that. Makes sense when you read it. Or if you live near Stansted Airport.

1 comment:

  1. I've been that person sleeping on the floor at the airport. Major snow storm shut down the Toronto airport. Of course it was my first time flying alone and I had no clue what to do. That was a good time right there let me tell you.

    I'll have to pop over and check out your book. :)
