Saturday, March 18, 2006


It's a sort of post-birthday hangover, isn't it? Well, slightly literally in my case. I did have five pints of Guinness and half a bottle of wine last night. Oh, and the wine at lunch, too. But what I actually meant, har har, is the depressed feeling you always get after your birthday. You know? Hey, yesterday was my special day and people bought me drinks and gave me presents! And today is just a plain sucky Saturday. I have a deadline to meet (actually I sort of stood it up, ahem) and a diet to start and I've just spent all day hanging around getting frustrated, because I wanted to start cat-searching today. But first I had to wait for the Sky man to come and go (stupid Sky+ was completely broken, a step down from its usual state of crappiness); and then the 'rents went to the supermarket, and then we were going to go for a walk and I thought, okay, cat-searching this afternoon! But then Andrew phoned to say he was going to come right over to pick up the ski gear he'd lent Dad, and he stayed for a drink, and then it was lunchtime, and then Dad fell asleep and still wanted to go for a walk when he woke up... and by then I was pissed off, bored and frustrated.

But I decided I'm going to Heydon tomorrow morning, before I go to Alysia's. If they don't have anything, no problem, can keep searching the other shelters this week. If they do, then Alysia can come here and play! But today, sitting around doing nothing when stuff should have been done, was just damn annoying.

Anyway. Here's what I was doing last night (this picture is now pinned to the beam above the bar at the D&D). Can you see how unfocused my eyes are? Those Guinness hats are worth four pints. We had three of them...

1 comment:

  1. Catty-cat,

    That's a lovely picture. Very Janis Joplin. 5 pints of Guinness did you say? I miss England terribly. I remember quite well those old couples who sit across the table from one another at the pub - drinking their pints and saying nothing at all to one another. I loves those old guys. Take care, dear.
