Thursday, January 03, 2008

So this is 2008

And it's going to be brilliant.

Christmas break over, and I'm already back at work, actually. I've been self-editing the Untied Kingdom, ready to send off to some agents. It came in a little long (okay, very long), so some cutting is needed, but that's okay, it needs a spit and polish all over (rather like its hero).

Edits of a more official nature are also underway on Sophie Book 4, more formally known as Still Waters. This is actually my favourite book to date: not only is it set in a couple of places close to my heart, but it's also the one where Luke and Sophie admit, at least to themselves, what's really going on...

And work is underway (if you're my editor, it's almost done) on the next Sundown book. Its working title is Here Kitty Kitty, but I've no idea how long that'll stick! And yes, it's about cat shifters. Two of my favourite things!

As for New Years know, for years I never made any. I said they were pointless. And I never achieved anything (well, okay, twenty-odd ebooks and five paperbacks isn't the same as nothing, but my bank manager ain't impressed). So this year, my resolution is simple: this year is going to be brilliant. You're going to need sunglasses to look at me. I know conventional wisdom says only 10% (or 5%, or 1%, depending on whose wisdom is defined as conventional at any given moment) of authors make a living from their writing, but I look at it this way. If you were given a 5% chance of survival, would you give up?

2008 is going to be the Year of Kate. And I'm not listening to anyone who says I can't do it.

1 comment:

  1. Go girl! Be phenomenal - I'm with you all the way :)
