Monday, April 23, 2007

Happy St George's Day!

Less well known than his Irish cousin, cooler though, I think. Killed dragons and all that. Although apparently he was Turkish. Anyway. It's also Shakespeare's birthday, very selfish of him to be born in April when it's too cold for the Globe to really put on a proper celebration. Could celebrate his deathday instead, but it's the same day. Rotten day to die, eh?

Not much to report. Pepper continues to be a) cute and b) hard work. Swear she's doubled in size. Am working on Sophie book seven (seven! And it's nearly done, too). Trying to figure out a way to get to San Francisco for RWA next year. Just sent off my registration for the RNA conference this year (bit easier to get to, Leicester). Had an eye test today, apperently don't need new glasses although my prescription has all these new things on it that weren't there before. Went out on Saturday to my first hen party--well, actually a hen meal, very civilised, even if the hen was wearing red glittery L plates. Decided really need to go on a diet, and then Mum brought back two bars of Toblerone from Copenhagen.

This stream of consciousness brought to you by Kate Johnson.

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